ABC | Volume 113, Nº6, December 2019

Original Article Elias Neto et al. Great arteries behavior during orthostasis Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 113(6):1072-1081 1. Albaladejo P, Asmar R, Safar M, Benetos A. Association between 24-hours ambulatoryheartrateandarterialstiffness.JHumHypertens.2000;14(2):137-41. 2. KandaT,NakamuraE,MoritaniT,YamoriY.Arterialpulsewavevelocityandrisk factors for peripheral vascular disease. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2000;82(1-2):1-7. 3. Asmar RG, Brunel PC, Pannier BM, Lacolley PJ, Safar ME. Arterial distensibility and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in essential hypertension. Am J Cardiol. 1988;61(13):1066-70. 4. Asmar R, Benetos A, Topouchian J, Laurent P, Pannier B, Brisac AM, et al. Assessment of arterial distensibility by automatic pulse wave velocity measurement. Validation and clinical application studies .Hypertension. 1995;26(3):485-90. 5. Asmar RG, Topouchian A., Benetos A, Sayegh FA, Mourad JJ, Safar ME. Non-invasive evaluation of arterial abnormalities in hypertensive patients. 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