ABC | Volume 113, Nº4, October 2019

Original Article Francisco et al. Smoking and unhealthy diet Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 113(4):699-709 Table 2 – Prevalence of smoking and unhealthy diet in adults according to geographic region, socio-demographic characteristics, behavioral factors and health conditions. Vigitel, Brazil, 2014 Variable/categories n (%) Smoking p * Unhealthy diet p * Geographic region Central West 4,068 11.8 9.9 < 0.001 70.3 0.005 Northeast 9,912 25.7 7.8 68.4 North 8,267 10.6 7.8 72.6 Southeast 4,110 44.1 13.3 69.8 South 2,593 7.8 15.6 72.2 Sex Male 11,704 47.0 13.2 < 0.001 76.6 < 0.001 Female 17,246 53.0 9.2 64.2 Age group (in years) 18 to 39 13,960 59.4 10.2 0.005 75.3 < 0.001 40 to 59 14,990 40.6 12.4 62.4 Skin color/ethnicity White 10,780 41.9 11.9 < 0.001 69.6 Black 2,713 11.7 12.8 70.1 Yellow 790 3.0 9.0 82.0 0.002 Brown 12,015 41.8 9.1 69.9 Indigenous 411 1.6 16.8 72.6 Marital status With spouse 13,565 50.7 12.1 0.012 73.2 < 0.001 Without spouse 15,052 49.3 10.1 67.0 Education (in years) 0 to 8 5,720 29.7 16.3 < 0.001 66.4 < 0.001 9 to 11 12,325 42.0 10.5 71.6 12 or more 10,905 28.3 6.6 71.2 Private health insurance No 13,923 51.9 13.6 < 0.001 70.9 0.102 Yes 14,954 48.1 8.5 69.1 BMI (kg/m 2 ) < 25 13,651 48.9 11.9 0.136 70.8 0.196 ≥ 25 to < 30 10,122 33.9 10.4 68.7 ≥ 30 5,177 17.2 10.3 70.1 Physical inactivity No 25,363 87.6 11.1 0.908 69.2 < 0.001 Yes 3,587 12.4 11.0 75.7 Binge drinking No 24,048 81.5 8.0 < 0.001 67.8 < 0.001 Yes 4,902 18.5 2.5 79.3 Self-rated health Very good/good 19,214 67.4 9.5 69.2 Fair 8,328 28.5 13.4 < 0.001 71.8 0.028 Poor/very poor 1,193 4.1 18.7 73.8 703