ABC | Volume 113, Nº4, October 2019

Updated Updated Cardiovascular Prevention Guideline of the Brazilian Society Of Cardiology – 2019 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 113(4):787-891 Chart 9.3 – FICA and HOPE questionnaires for spiritual history FICA questionnaire HOPE questionnaire F – Faith/beliefs Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual? Do you have beliefs that help you deal with problems? If not, what gives life meaning? H – Are there sources of hope? What are your sources of hope, comfort and peace? What do you cling to in hard times? What gives you support and makes you move forward? I – Importance/influence What importance do you give to faith and religious beliefs in your life? Has faith or beliefs helped you cope with stress or health problems? Do you have any beliefs that may affect medical decisions or your treatment? O – Religious organization Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion? Is this important? Are you part of a community? Does it help? In what ways does your religion help you? Are you part of a religious community? C – Community Are you part of any religious or spiritual community? Does it support you? How? Are there any groups of people you really love or are important to you? Is there any community (church, temple, support group) that supports you? P – Personal spiritual practices Do you have any spiritual beliefs that are independent of your organized religion? Do you believe in God? What is your relationship with God? What aspects of your spirituality or spiritual practice help you the most? (prayer, meditation, readings, attending religious services?) A – Action in treatment How would you like your doctor to consider the religiosity/spirituality question in your treatment? Name any religious/spiritual leaders in your community. E – Effects on treatment Are there any spiritual resources you are missing? Are there any restrictions on your treatment generated by your beliefs? Chart 9.2 – Duke University Religion Index (DUREL). 1) How oftern do you go to church, temple, mosque, worship service, prayer group, spirit session, or other regious gathering? 1. ( ) Never 4. ( ) Two or three times a month 2. ( ) Once a year or less 5. ( ) Once a week 3. ( ) A few times a year 6. ( ) More than once a week 2) How often do you devote your time to individual religious activities, such as prayers, meditations, Bible readings, or other religious texts? 1. ( ) Never 4. ( ) Two or more times a week 2. ( ) A few times a month 5. ( ) Daily 3. ( ) Once a week 6. ( ) More than once a day 3) In my life, I feel the presence of God (or the Holy Spirit). 1. ( ) Certainly not true 4. ( ) Usually true 2. ( ) Usually not true 5. ( ) Totally true 3. ( ) Not sure The next section contains 3 sentences with respect to beliefs or religious experiences. Please indicate how much each sentence applies to you. 4) My religious beliefs are truly behind my way of living. 1. ( ) Certainly not true 4. ( ) Usually true 2. ( ) Usually not true 5. ( ) Totally true 3. ( ) Not sure 5) I strive hard to live my religion in all aspects of life. 1. ( ) Certainly not true 4. ( ) Usually true 2. ( ) Usually not true 5. ( ) Totally true 3. ( ) Not sure 837