ABC | Volume 113, Nº3, September 2019

Original Article Santos et al. Arterial hypertension in quilombola communities Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 113(3):383-390 Figure 1 – Probability of arterial hypertension in Quilombola communities according to age and sex. 0.9 0.7 0.5 Probability of arterial hypertension 0.3 18 23 33 43 53 Age (in years) Women Men 63 73 83 93 88 98 28 38 48 58 68 78 Table 3 – Predictors of systemic arterial hypertension in quilombola communities in the State of Sergipe, Brazil, 2016-2017 Variables AH SAH DAH OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI p Age 1.05 1.03-1.06 < 0.001 1.06 1.04-1.07 < 0.001 1.02 1.01-1.04 < 0.001 Sex Female (ref. Male 0.71 0.38-1.33 0.29 0.67 0.36-1.24 0.24 0.98 0.48 -2.01 0.97 ABEP B2-C2 (ref.) D-E 1.75 0.93-3.28 0.07 1.38 0.74-2.56 0.29 2.47 1.22-5.03 0.01 BMI 1.05 1-1.11 0.04 1 0.95-1.05 0.84 1.10 1.03 -1.17 0.02 AH: arterial hypertension (systolic, diastolic or both); SAH: systolic arterial hypertension (alone); DAH: diastolic arterial hypertension (alone); OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; ABEP: Brazilian Association of Market Research Firms; BMI: body mass index. Discussion The prevalence of SAH in the quilombola communities in the State of Sergipe (26%) was high, when compared with the estimates of the population in general (20.4%) in the same State, 20 in similar age ranges. In accordance with other studies in the general population developed in Brazil 21 and in other multiracial countries, 22,23 the prevalence of SAH was associated with increased age. The black ethnicity showed a higher predisposition to arterial stiffness than the other ethnicities. 24,25 aAlthough the prevalence of arterial hypertension was higher when compared to the general population, our results found a lower prevalence than other studies. 6,7 This difference may be due to methodological issues (such as the number of measurements and the conditions under which they were performed), regional variations (for example, alcohol consumption and sodium ingestion) or even ethnic issues which remain unclear, beyond the scope of this study. In this study, no significant sex-related differences were observed in the occurrence of SAH or its subclassifications (systolic and diastolic) among the quilombolas. This data stands in contrast to what is found in the literature in the context of the general population 26 and the quilombola population. 27 387