ABC | Volume 113, Nº3, September 2019

Clinicoradiological Correlation Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 113(3):435-437 Atik et al. Discreet Ebstein anomaly in adult 1. Mach J, Grézl M. Ebstein‘s anomalia em uma mulher de 66 anos de idade. Vnitr Lek. 1994;40(3):190-1. 2. Al Tawil D, Talirevic M, Naser N, Arslanagic A, Talirevic E. LILACS- Anomalia de Ebstein com forame oval patente e taquicardia paroxística supraventricular. Med Arh. 2000;54(3):163-4. 3. Hennebry TA, Calkins HG, Chandra-Strobos N. Tratamento intervencional bem sucedido de um octogenário com síncope e anomalia de Ebstein da valva tricúspide.J Invas Cardiol. 2002;14(1):44-7. 4. Guérios EE, Souza AM, Cunha CL, Oliveira PF . Anomalia de Ebstein em idosos Arq Bras Cardiol. 1997;68(1):39-42. 5. Seward JB, Tajik AJ, Feist DJ, SmithHC. Anomalia de Ebstein emumhomem de 85 anos. Mayo Clin Proc. 1979;54(3):193-6. References This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License reversed after ablation of accessory pathways. 3 A 62-year- old asymptomatic patient, despite anatomical disorders. 4 Another one with long survival described in the literature, who decompensated with tricuspid regurgitation at 79 years of age. 5 This unique rare case in view of good clinical evolution, despite the clear congenital anomaly, makes us think about the surgical approach adopted in similar cases and at earlier ages, which could progress in the same way. 437