ABC | Volume 113, Nº2, August 2019

Original Article Kul et al PSW and type 2 DM Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 113(2):207-215 Figure 4 – Correlation analysis between PSW velocity and MPI. PSW: presystolic wave; MPI: myocardial performance index. 1,25 1,00 0,75 0,50 0,25 40,00 60,00 80,00 100,00 120,00 140,00 PSW Velocity MPI Table 3 – Univariate analysis for abnormal MPI. Variables Odds ratios (% 95 CI) p Duration of DM 1.026 (0.967 - 1.089) 0.402 Age 1.014 (0.978 - 1.050) 0.445 Gender 0.818 (0.369 - 1.813) 0.621 Hypertension 2.057 (0.931 - 1.074) 0.075 Presence of PSW 2.435(1.084 - 5.466) 0.031 Hyperlipidemia 0.525 (0.195 - 1.417) 0.203 Current Smoking 1.153 (0.331 - 4.009) 0.823 Family history of CAD 4.135 (0.908 - 18.836) 0.067 BMI 1.012 (0.942 - 1.088) 0.741 Glucose 1.006 (0.995 - 1.017) 0.270 LDL-c 0.987 (0.965 - 1.009) 0.241 Trygliceride 0.999 (0.990 - 1.008) 0.812 MPI: myocardial performance index; DM: diabetes mellitus; PSW: presystolic wave; CAD: coronary artery disease; LDL-c: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; BMI: body mass index. 213