ABC | Volume 112, Nº6, June 2019

Short Editorial Araujo & Laukkanen Heart and skeletal muscles & autonomic links Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(6):747-748 1. Engel PJ. Effort intolerance in chronic heart failure: what are we treating? J Am Coll Cardiol. 1990;15(5):995-8. 2. PuglieseNR, Fabiani I, Santini C, Rovai I, Pedrinelli R, Natali A, et al. Value of combinedcardiopulmonaryandechocardiographystresstesttocharacterize the haemodynamic and metabolic responses of patients with heart failure and mid-range ejection fraction. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. Feb 11 2019. [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1093/ehjci/jez014 3. Evans WJ, Campbell WW. Sarcopenia and age-related changes in body composition and functional capacity. J Nutr. 1993;123(2 Suppl):465-8. 4. Anker SD, Morley JE, von Haehling S. Welcome to the ICD-10 code for sarcopenia. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2016;7(5):512-4. 5. Fonseca G, Santos MRD, Souza FR, Costa M, Haehling SV, Takayama L, et al. Sympatho-vagal imbalance is associatedwith sarcopenia inmale patients with heart failure. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(6):739-746. 6. Araujo CGS, Castro CLB, Nobrega ACL. Heart rate responses to deep breathing and 4-seconds of exercise before and after pharmacological blockade with atropine and propranolol. Clin Auton Res. 1992;2(1):35-40. 7. Araújo CG, Castro CL, Franca JF, Ramos PS. 4-Second exercise test reference values for ages 18–81 years. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2015;104(5):366-74. 8. Araujo CG, Castro CL, Franca JF, Laukkanen JA, Hamar D, Myers J. Muscle power in upright row movement: predictor of all-cause mortality in individuals between 41 and 85 years of age: preliminary results. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019;26(6 (suppl)). 9. Brito LBB, RicardoDR, AraújoDSMS, Ramos PS,Myers J, AraújoCGS. Ability to sit and rise from the floor as a predictor of all-cause mortality. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2014;21(7):892-8. 10. Mitchell WK, Williams J, Atherton P, Larvin M, Lund J, Narici M. Sarcopenia, dynapenia, and the impact of advancing age on human skeletal muscle size and strength; a quantitative review. Front Physiol. 2012;3:260. 11. Clark BC, Manini TM. Sarcopenia=/=dynapenia. J Gerontol ABiol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(8):829-34. 12. De Ferrari GM, Dusi V, Ruffinazzi M, Gionti V, Cacciavillani L, Noussan P, et al. Physical inactivity is a risk factor for primary ventricular fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019;73(16):2117-8. 13. Aagaard P, Suetta C, Caserotti P, Magnusson SP, Kjaer M. Role of the nervous system in sarcopenia and muscle atrophy with aging: strength training as a countermeasure. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010;20(1):49-64. References This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 748