ABC | Volume 112, Nº6, June 2019

Statement Vascular Ultrasound Statement from the Department of Cardiovascular Imaging of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology – 2019 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(6):809-849 Figure 4 – Normal flow patterns of carotid arteries. (A) Common carotid artery. (B) Internal carotid artery. (C) External carotid artery. Figure 3 – Recommendation from the Department of Cardiovascular Imaging of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology for the sequence of evaluation of carotid stenosis. PSV: peak systolic velocity. Atheroma Plaque PSV < 140 cm/s Stenosis < 50% Calculationofreducedlumen: Local measurement (Anatomicalcriteriontable) Calculationofreducedlumen Local measurement + measurementofvelocities (Hemodynamiccriteriontable) PSV > 140 cm/s Stenosis > 50% 818