ABC | Volume 112, Nº5, May 2019

Guideline Brazilian Fetal Cardiology Guidelines – 2019 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(5):600-648 Table 8.3 – Aim and effects of fetal interventions Anomaly Intervention aim Effect GOR/LOE CAS with impending HLHS Open the Ao valve to promote anterograde flow, stimulate left structure growth, create possibility of biventricular correction Disease modifying IIb/B HLHS with intact IAS or restrictive FO Open IAS to alleviate left atrial hypertension, prevent pulmonary vasculopathy, improve oxygenation at birth Lifesaving IIb/C CAS with significant mitral regurgitation and giant LA Open Ao valve and/or IAS, alleviate left atrial hypertension and prevent pulmonary vasculopathy, improve oxygenation at birth Lifesaving IIb/C PAIVS or CPS with evolving RV hypoplasia Open pulmonary valve to promote right structure growth and lead to possible biventricular repair; treat fetal hydrops in cases of severe tricuspid regurgitation Disease modifying and/or lifesaving IIb/C Ao: aortic; CAS: critical aortic stenosis; CPS: critical pulmonary stenosis; FO: foramen ovale; GOR: grade of recommendation; HLHS: hypoplastic left heart syndrome; IAS: interatrial septum; LA: left atrium; LOE: level of evidence; PAIVS: pulmonary atresia with intact interventricular septum; RV: right ventricle. Source: Adapted from Donofrio et al. 17 invaluable contributions and consider them co-authors. Their names, in alphabetical sequence, are: AnaMaria Arregui Zilio, Antonio Luiz Piccoli Jr., Camila Ritter, Carlos Augusto Cardoso Pedra, Cleisson Fabio Peralta, Giovana Baldissera, Kenya Venusa Lampert, Luiza Van der Sand, Natássia Miranda Sulis, Stefano Boemler Busato, and Victoria de Bittencourt Antunes. 1. Allan LD, Sharland GK, Milburn A, Lockhart SM, Groves AM, Anderson RH, et al. Prospective diagnosis of 1006 consecutive cases of congenital heart disease in the fetus. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1994;23(6):1452-8. 2. Brick DH, Allan LD. Outcome of prenatally diagnosed congenital heart disease: an update. Pediatr Cardiol. 2002;23(4):449-53. 3. Nomura RM, Brizot ML, Liao AW, HernandezWR, ZugaibM. Conjoined twins and legal authorization for abortion. Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992). 2011;57(2):205-10. 4. Ewigman BG, Crane JP, Frigoletto FD, LeFevre ML, Bain RP, McNellisD. 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