ABC | Volume 112, Nº5, May 2019

Guideline Brazilian Fetal Cardiology Guidelines – 2019 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(5):600-648 Declaration of potential conflict of interest of authors/collaborators of the Brazilian Fetal Cardiology Guidelines – 2019 If the last three years the author/developer of the Guidelines: Names Members of the Policy Participated in clinical studies and/or experimental trials supported by pharmaceutical or equipment related to the guideline in question Has spoken at events or activities sponsored by industry related to the guideline in question It was (is) advisory board member or director of a pharmaceutical or equipment Committees participated in completion of research sponsored by industry Personal or institutional aid received from industry Produced scientific papers in journals sponsored by industry It shares the industry Cristiane Nogueira Binotto No No No No No No No Cristiane Nunes Martins No No No No No No No Eduardo Sérgio Valério Borges da Fonseca No No No No No No No Isabel Cristina Britto Guimarãe No No No No No No No Izabele Vian da Silveira Corrêa No No No No No No No Karla Luiza Matos Pedrosa No No No No No No No Lilian Maria Lopes No No No No No No No Luiz Henrique Soares Nicoloso No No No No No No No Marcia Ferreira Alves Barberato No No No No No No No Marina Maccagnano Zamith No No No No No No No Paulo Zielinsky No No No No No No No Simone R. F. Fontes Pedra No No No No No No No 601