ABC | Volume 112, Nº3, March 2019

Original Article Sousa et al Prevalence of hypertension in older adults Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(3):271-278 Table 1 – General characteristics of elderly individuals according to the arterial hypertension status. Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, 2010 Variables Hypertensive n = 683 Non-hypertensive n = 229 p Total n = 912 Median (Interquartile range) Median (Interquartile range) Median (Interquartile range) Age (years) 70.0 (64.0 – 77.0) 70.0 (66.0 – 77.5) 0.275** 70.0 (65.0 – 77.0) SBP (mmHg) 144.0 (126.0 – 158.0) 124.0 (114.0 – 132.5) < 0.001** 136.5 (123.0 – 152.0) DBP(mmHg) 81.0 (73.0 – 89.0) 73.0 (66.5 – 79.4) < 0.001** 79.4 (70.0 – 87.0) n(%) n(%) n(%) Gender 0,043 † Male 272 (39.8) 74 (32.3) 346 (37.9) Female 411 (60.2) 155 (67.7) 566 (62.1) Age range 0.906 † 60 |-- 70 335 (49.0) 106 (46.3) 441 (48.4) 70 |-- 80 222 (32.5) 79 (34.5) 301 (33.0) 80 |-- 90 110 (16.1) 38 (16.6) 148 (16.2) 90 + 16 (2.3) 6 (2.6) 22 (2.4) Marital status 0.730 † Married 330 (48.3) 118 (51.5) 448 (49.1) Single 69 (10.1) 19 (8.3) 88 (9.6) Widowed 220 (32.2) 73 (31.9) 293 (32.1) Divorced 61 (8.9) 19 (8.3) 80 (8.8) Level of schooling 0.831 † Illiterate 107 (15.7) 34 (14.8) 141 (15.5) Never attended school/Can read 34 (5.0) 10 (4.4) 44 (4.8) Complete/incomplete Elementary School 324 (47.4) 106 (46.3) 430 (47.1) Complete/incomplete High School 144 (21.1) 50 (21.8) 194 (21.3) Complete/incomplete College/University 67 (9.8) 24 (10.5) 91 (10.0) Income (in MW*) 0.173 † < 1MW 210 (30.8) 54 (23.6) 264 (29.0) 1MW |--- 2MW 284 (41.6) 110 (48.0) 394 (43.2) 2MW|--- 4MW 118 (17.3) 43 (18.8) 161 (17.7) 4MW + 70 (10.3) 22 (9.6) 92 (10.1) Smoker 0.240 † Yes 73 (10.7) 16 (7.0) 89 (9.8) No 368 (54.1) 132 (57.9) 500 (55.1) Ex-smoker 239 (35.1) 80 (35.1) 319 (35.1) Alcoholism 0.243 † Yes 147 (21.8) 38 (16.7) 185 (20.5) No 459 (68.0) 162 (71.4) 621 968.8) Ex-alcoholic 69 (10.2) 27 (11.9) 96 (10.6) Physical activity 0.374 † Yes 206 (30.2) 73 (31.9) 279 (30.6) No 466 (68.2) 155 (67.7) 621 (68.1) Did not answer 11 (1.6) 1 (0.4) 12 (1.3) *MW: minimum wage (value R$ 510.00 - year 2010); † Chi-Square Test; **Mann Whitney U-test of independent samples. 274