ABC | Volume 112, Nº3, March 2019

Original Article Baroncini et al Right ventricle and left atrial volume Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(3):249-257 Table 5 – Echocardiographic parameters in the study group by left atrial size (mm) and left atrial volume (mL/m 2 ) Variable Left atrial size n Mean ± standard deviation p-value* RV TAPSE (mm) Normal (< 40) 16 21.9 ± 2.4 Altered (≥ 40) 9 20.1 ± 2.6 0.103 RV lateral S' (cm/s) Normal (< 40) 16 13.6 ± 1.8 Altered (≥ 40) 9 12.4 ± 1.2 0.111 RVDD (mm) Normal (< 40) 16 21.7 ± 3.2 Altered (≥ 40) 9 22.4 ± 3.3 0.584 LAV (ml/m²) Normal (< 40) 16 26.8 ± 3.8 Altered (≥ 40) 9 36.7 ± 6.2 < 0.001 Variable LAV n Mean ± standard deviation p-value* RV TAPSE (mm) Normal (< 34) 18 22.2±2.4 Altered (≥ 34) 7 18.9 ± 0.9 < 0.001 RV lateral S' (cm/s) Normal (< 34) 18 13.7 ± 1.7 Altered (≥ 34) 7 11.9 ± 0.7 0.001 RVDD (mm) Normal (< 34) 18 21.7 ± 3.3 Altered (≥ 34) 7 22.6 ± 3.2 0.565 Left atrial size (mm) Normal (< 34) 18 34.7 ± 3.6 Altered (≥34) 7 43.9 ± 4.0 < 0.001 *Student’s t-test for independent samples, p < 0.05. RV: right ventricular TAPSE: tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion with M-mode; RVDD: right ventricular diastolic diameter; LAV: left atrial volume. Table 6 – Correlations between quantitative variables in the study group Variables n Pearson’s correlation coefficient p-value Age × RV TAPSE 25 –0.22 0.281 Age × RV lateral S' 25 –0.42 0.035 Age × RVDD 25 0.04 0.866 Age × left atrial size 25 0.31 0.134 Age × LAV 25 0.40 0.050 RV TAPSE × RV lateral S' 25 0.70 < 0.001 RV TAPSE × RVDD 25 0.33 0.106 RV TAPSE × left atrial size 25 -0.33 0.107 RV TAPSE × LAV 25 -0.40 0.047 RV lateral S' × RVDD 25 0.40 0.051 S' lateral VD × left atrial size 25 -0.26 0.216 RV lateral S' × LAV 25 –0.38 0.063 RVDD × left atrial size 25 0.30 0.149 RVDD × LAV 25 0.23 0.271 Left atrial size × LAV 25 0.89 < 0.001 TAPSE: tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion with M-mode; RVDD: right ventricular diastolic diameter; LAV: left atrial volume. influenced the results, particularly the LAV. Also, the prevalence of SAH increases with age and differently inmen andwomen. 28,29 Although the study group and the control group were not perfectly matched, the proportion of men and women was not different between the groups; yet, we did not find any significant difference between men and women in the study variables. Conclusions The present study determined, for the first time, a correlation of the increase in LAV with progressive RV functional changes in patients with LVDD. However, further studies are needed to confirm these findings. 254