ABC | Volume 112, Nº3, March 2019

Short Editorial Jardim Cohort studies with mortality data from the Brazilian population Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(3):238-239 1. Inuzuka S, Jardim PCV, Abrahams-Gessel S, Souza LG, Rezende AC, Perillo NB, et al. Self-rated health status and illiteracy as death predictors in a Brazilian cohort. PLoS One. 2018;13(7):e020050 2. Castro LT, Santos IS, Goulart AC, Pereira AC, Staniak HL, Bittencourt MS, et al. ElevatedHigh-SensitivityTroponinIintheStabilizedPhaseafteranAcuteCoronary SyndromePredictsAll-CauseandCardiovascularMortality inaHighlyAdmixed Population:A7-YearCohort.ArqBrasCardiol .2019;112(3):230-237. 3. Goulart A, Santos IS, Sitnik D, Staniak HL, Fedeli LM, Pastore CA, et al. Design and baseline characteristics of a coronary heart disease prospective cohort: two-year experience from the strategy of registry of acute coronary syndrome study (ERICO study). Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2013;68(3):431-4. 4. Santos IS, Goulart AC, Brandão RM, Santos RC, Bittencourt MS, Sitnik D, et al. One-year mortality after an acute coronary event and its clinical predictors: the ERICO study. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2015;105(1):53-64. 5. Goodman SG, Huang W, Yan AT, Budaj A, Kennelly BM, Gore JM, et al; Expanded Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE2) Investigators. The expanded Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events: baseline characteristics, management practices, and hospital outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndromes. Am Heart J. 2009;158(2):193-201. 6. Roger VL,Weston SA, Gerber Y, Killian JM, Dunlay SM, Jaffe AS, et al. Trends in incidence, severity, and outcome of hospitalized myocardial infarction. Circulation. 2010;121(7):863-9. 7. Nicolau JC, Franken M, Lotufo PA, Carvalho AC, Neto JA, Lima FG, et al. Use of demonstrably effective therapies in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes: comparison between different Brazilian regions. Analysis of the Brazilian Registry on Acute Coronary Syndromes (BRACE). Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012;98(4):282-9. References This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ABC Cardiol is the most important journal dedicated to publishing cardiovascular research generated in Brazil. Publish national cohort studies with mortality data, particularly cardiovascular mortality data should be a priority. In this number, this priority was fulfilled with a great manuscript. 239