ABC | Volume 112, Nº2, February 2019

Original Article Somuncu et al Antiplatelet resistance in young MI patients Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(2):138-146 Table 1 – Baseline characteristics of the study population, mean ± standard deviation/median-interquartile range or n (%)π Adequate response to dual therapy (n = 64) Poor response to aspirin (n = 20) Poor response to clopidogrel (n = 23) Poor response to dual therapy (n = 16) p Age, years β 38.7 ± 4.0 39.7 ± 3.7 39.6 ± 4.1 40.5 ± 4.7 0.372 Male, n (%) 59 (92.2) 18 (90.0) 20 (87) 16 (100.0) 0.520 BMI, kg/m 2 29.9 ± 4.6 28.6 ± 3.1 29.8 ± 4.2 29.3 ± 4.0 0.668 Hyperlipidemia, n (%) 19 (29.7) 9 (45) 14 (60.9) 10 (62.5) 0.017 Hypertension, n (%) 23 (35.9) 6 (30) 6 (26.1) 6 (37.5) 0.810 Diabetes mellitus, n (%) 7 (10.9) 3 (15) 3 (13) 1 (6.3) 0.861 Smoking, n (%) 46 (71.9) 13 (65.0) 17 (73.9) 11 (68.8) 0.919 Family history, n (%) 4 (6.3) 4 (20) 6 (26.1) 6 (37.5) 0.008 Total Chol. mg/dL β 185.8 ± 48.7 188.4 ± 40.0 200.5 ± 48.7 208.7 ± 42.3 0.277 HDL, mg/dL β 37.0 ± 11.8 36.4 ± 9.4 38.6 ± 7.9 34.3 ± 7.9 0.652 LDL, mg/dL β 122.2 ± 34.1 126.0 ± 31.9 142.6 ± 42.1 137.3 ± 37.6 0.104 Triglycerides, mg/dL ¥ 121.5(69.7-202.2) 111.5(83.0-207.2) 101.0(62.0-194.0) 174.0(142.0-264.0) 0.060 Creatinine, mg/dL ¥ 0.80(0.80-0.90) 0.80(0.70-0.90) 0.80(0.80-1.00) 0.90(0.80-0.97) 0.417 Hematocrit, % β 43.0 ± 4.0 44.8 ± 4.8 42.3 ± 5.2 44.3 ± 2.6 0.202 Platelet, 10 3 µL* β 256.5 ± 45.5 309.4 ± 71.2 300.2 ± 81.1 300.3 ± 77.5 0.001 LVEF, % ¥ 50.0(45.0-56.5) 50.0(42.7-55.0) 55.0(50.0-60.0) 51.5(41.2-58.7) 0.244 Culprit artery, % 0.449 LAD 33 (51.6) 11 (57.9) 11 (47.8) 9 (56.3) CX 9 (14.1) 6 (31.6) 5 (21.7) 3 (18.8) RCA 22 (34.4) 2 (10.5) 7 (30.4) 4 (25.0) Syntax Score 17.6 ± 9.0 19.4 ± 10.7 17.6 ± 7.4 16.3 ± 7.3 0.766 Aspirin aggregation time (AU x min) ‡ β 277.0 ± 98.9 789.1 ± 203.0 300.7 ± 133.7 738.0 ± 191.2 < 0.001 Clopidogrel aggregation time (AU x min) ¶¥ 288.5 ± 234.0-376.0) 347.0(280.2-407.2) 608.0(523.0-728.0) 685.0(607.2-766.0) < 0.001 BMI: body-mass index; Chol: cholesterol; HDL: high-density lipoprotein; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; LVEF: left vetricular ejection fraction; LAD: left anterior descending artery; CX: circumflex artery; RCA: right coronary artery; AU: aggregation unit; min: minute. *p values < 0.05, dual therapy responders vs. other groups; ‡  p value < 0.05, aspirin poor responders vs. adequate response to aspirin: ¶  p values < 0.05, clopidogrel poor responders vs. adequate response to clopidogrel ¥  Kruskal-Wallis test was used for multiple independent variables without normal distribution, and Mann-Whitney U test was used for binary comparisons; π Categorical data were compared with a chi-square test. Β One-wayANOVA test was used for multiple independent variables with normal distribution, and for post hoc analysis, Tamhane’s T2 and Tukey test were used. Table 2 – Three-year outcomes of the study population, n (%) ‡ Variable Dual therapy responders (n = 64) Aspirin poor responders (n = 20) Clopidogrel poor responders (n = 23) Poor responders to dual therapy (n = 16) p Primary outcomes * 4 (6.3) 3 (15.0) 5 (21.7) 8 (50.0) < 0.001 Secondary outcomes † Cardiac mortality 0 (0) 1 (5.0) 0 (0) 3 (18.8) 0.002 Non-fatal MI 1 (1.6) 1 (5.0) 2 (8.7) 2 (12.5) 0.283 TVR 0 (0) 1 (5.0) 3 (13.0) 3 (18.8) 0.010 Stroke 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) --- Advanced heart failure 3 (4.7) 1 (5.0) 2 (8.7) 2 (12.5) 0.671 TVR: target vessel revascularization; MI: myocardial infarction. * Primary clinical outcomes were composed of cardiovascular (CV) mortality, non-fatal reinfarction, target vessel revascularization(TVR), advanced heart failure, stroke. † Secondary clinical outcomes were CV mortality, non-fatal reinfarction, TVR, stroke, and advanced heart failure separately; ‡ all data in the table were compared byt the chi-square test and expressed as percentages. 141