ABC | Volume 112, Nº1, January 2019

Original Article Santos et al Validation of CADE-Q II in portuguese Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(1):78-84 Table 2 – Median and interquartile range of CADE-QII scores by question and domain, percentage of items completed and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (n = 49) Domain Item Median (IQR) scores by item Items completed (%) ICC Median (IQR) scores by domain Medical condition 1. Coronary artery disease is: 3 (2) 100% 0.77 12 (6) 2. Angina (chest pain of discomfort) occurs: 3 (2) 100% 0.82 3. In a person with coronary artery disease, which of the following is a usual description of angina? 3 (2) 100% 0.77 4. A heart attack occurs: 1 (2) 100% 0.47 ‡ 5. The best resources available to help someone understand his/her medications are: 1 (0) 100% 0.71 6. Medications such as aspirin (ASA) and clopidogrel (PlavixTM) are important because: 1 (2) 100% 0.72 7. The “statin” medications, such as atorvastatin (LipitorTM), rosuvastatin (CrestorTM), or simvastatin (ZocorTM), have a beneficial effect in the body by: 1 (1) 100% 0.87 Risk factors 1. The risk factors for heart disease that can be changed are: 3 (2) 100% 0.72 10 (4) 2. The actions that can be taken to control cholesterol levels include: 3 (0) 100% 0.82 3. The actions that can be taken to control blood pressure include: 3 (2) 100% 0.79 4. The first step towards controlling a risk factor (such as blood pressure or cholesterol) is: 0 (1) 100% 0.36 ‡ 5. The actions to prevent developing diabetes include 1 (2) 100% 0.90 Exercise 1. What are the important parts of an exercise prescription?? 3 (2) 100% 0.71 14 (7) 2. For a person living with heart disease, it is important to do a cardiovascular warm-up before exercising because: 1 (2) 100% 0.80 3. The pulse can be found: 3 (2) 100% 0.86 4. What one can do to exercise safely outdoors in hot and dry weather are: 3 (0) 100% 0.78 5. The benefits of doing resistance training (lift weights or elastic bands) include: 3 (2) 100% 0.87 6. If a person gets chest discomfort during a walking exercise session, he or she should: 1 (2) 100% 0.83 7. How does a person know if he/she is exercising at the right level? 1 (3) 100% 0.85 Nutrition 1. What is the best source of omega 3 fats in food? 3 (0) 100% 0.85 13 (5) 2. Trans fat are: 1 (2) 100% 0.70 3. What is one good way to add more fiber to your diet: 3 (2) 100% 0.80 4. Which of the following foods has the most salt: 3 (2) 100% 0.73 5. What combination of foods can help lower blood pressure? 3 (2) 100% 0.81 6. When reading food labels, what should one look at first? 1 (0) 100% 0.92 7. How many servings of fruits and vegetables should adults consume? 0 (1) 100% 0.55 ‡ Psychosocial Risk 1. Which of the below are effective stress management techniques? 3 (0) 100% 0.92 9 (4) 2. What stresses have been related to increased risk for heart attacks? 1 (3) 100% 0.73 3. Which of the following describes your best option for reducing your risk from depression: 3 (0) 100% 0.86 It is important to recognize “sleep apnea” because: 1 (3) 100% 0.70 5. “Chronic stress” is defined as: 1 (3) 100% 0.59 ‡ Total 53 (14) 100% 0.77 - IQR interquartile range; ‡ Items excluded from the final version in Brazilian Portuguese due to ICC values below 0.70 82