ABC | Volume 112, Nº1, January 2019

Original Article Dotta et al Regional QT dispersion as predictor of reperfusion Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(1):20-29 Table 2 – QT interval corrected for heart rate (QTc) and QTc dispersion behavior in the 12 leads and in the leads with ST-segment elevation only (regional QTcD) in patients who met and in those who did not meet electrocardiographic criteria for reperfusion Variable With ST-segment resolution (n =67) p-value Without ST-segment resolution (n =37) p-value QTc (ms), m ± SD Pre-TNK 0.25 Pre-TNK 0.06 423.79 ± 27.89 416.10 ± 26.17 Post-TNK Post-TNK 429.02 ± 44.60 424.86 ± 24.12 QTcD (ms), md (IQR) Pre-TNK 0.28 Pre-TNK 0.29 59.0 (45-84) 61 (42-73.5) Post-TNK Post-TNK 63.0 (47-76) 64 (44.5-90) Regional QTc (ms), ± SD Pre-TNK 0.12 Pre-TNK 0.24 420.30 ± 26.27 420.00 ± 30.67 Post-TNK Post-TNK 430.00 ± 45.70 423.89 ± 31.95 Regional QTcD (ms), md (IQR) Pre-TNK 0.01 Pre-TNK 0.13 28 (16-44) 11.5 (23-44) Post-TNK Post-TNK 33 ± (20-59) 42 (20-64) Data expressed as mean and standard deviation (m ± SD); median and interquartile range, md (IQR); QTcD: QTc dispersion; regional QTc: mean QTc in infarcted area (leads with ST-segment elevation); regional QTcD: regional QTc dispersion (leads with ST-segment elevation); TNK: tenecteplase. Student’s t-test for related samples or Wilcoxon test, as appropriate. Table 3 – Regional QT interval, corrected for heart rate (QTc) in anterior wall infarction in patients with or without ST-segment resolution and patients with or without TIMI 3 and Blush 3 (n = 42) Variable With ST-segment resolution n = 23 p-value Without ST-segment resolution (n = 19) p-value Regional QTc (ms), m ± SD Pre-TNK 0.35 Pre-TNK 0.17 428.54 ± 28.24 419.56 ± 28.44 Post-TNK Post-TNK 429.75 ± 42.59 424.26 ± 30.55 Regional QTcD (ms), md (IQR) Pre-TNK 0.023 Pre-TNK 0.07 28 (17.5-51.25) 21.5 (9.5-39.25) Post-TNK Post-TNK 40 (30-66.7) 38.5 (17.5-59) T3B3 (+) n =18 p-value T3B3 (-) n =24 p–value Regional QTc (ms), m ± SD Pre-TNK 0.26 Pre-TNK 0.70 425.53 ± 28.24 421.66 ± 28.44 Post-TNK Post-TNK 439.88 ± 42.59 417.62 ± 30.55 Regional QTcD (ms), md (IQR) Pre-TNK 0.006 Pre-TNK 0.07 23 (15.75-39.25) 25 (18-46) Post-TNK Post-TNK 38 (24.25-73.0) 42 (21-61) Data expressed as mean and standard deviation (m±SD); median and interquartile range, md (IQR); regional QTc: regional QTc in anterior wall infarction; regional QTcD: regional dispersion of the QTc interval in anterior wall infarction; TNK: tenecteplase; T3B3 (+): TIMI 3 and Blush grade 3; T3B3 (-): TIMI < 3 and Blush < 3. Student’s t-test for related samples, or Wilcoxon test, as appropriate. 23