ABC | Volume 111, Nº4, Octuber 2018

Original Article Borges et al Inadequate management of antiplatelet agents Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018; 111(4):596-604 Table 3 – Results of the multivariate analysis of the characteristics associated with the therapy lacking compliance with the recommendations of use of aspirin or clopidogrel in preoperative periods according to SBC (n = 161) in high-complexity Hospital, Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil, 2014-2016 Characteristic OR (CI 95% )* Value p † Gender Male 1.00 - Female 2.22(0.74-6.68) 0.155 Age 40-69 years 1.00 - 70-99 years 0.63(0.24-1.65) 0.354 Schooling Up to high school 1.00 - Primary school complete or incomplete 0.46(0.13-1.66) 0.237 University complete incomplete 0.24(0.07-0.78) 0.018 Married No 1.00 - Yes 1.28(0.47-3.48) 0.631 Work outside the home No 1.00 - Yes 4.80(0.92-25.11) 0.063 Has children No 1.00 - Yes 0.60(0.06-5.73) 0.655 Body Mass Index ‡ Up to 29 1.00 - 30 or more 1.24(0.43-3.54) 0.689 Number of diseases § 1.72(0.65-4.56) 0.279 Previous revascularization procedure # No 1.00 - Yes 2.08(0.58-7.49) 0.261 Acute Myocardial Infarction No 1.00 - Yes 0.18(0.04-0.95) 0.043 Stroke No 1.00 - Yes 0.21(0.03-1.66) 0.138 Dyslipidemia No 1.00 - Yes 1.00(0.24-4.17) 0.999 Systemic Arterial Hypertension No 1.00 - Yes 0.22(0.04-1.27) 0.090 Time using aspirin or clopidogrel 1-4 years 1.00 - 5 years or more 0.90(0.35-2.36) 0.837 Surgeon expertise General or digestive system 1.00 - Urologist 3.30(0.33-33.09) 0.310 Orthopedist 1.38(0.32-5.88) 0.665 Other 0.75(0.28-2.03) 0.578 ASPIRIN: acetylsalicylic acid; SBC: Brazilian Society of Cardiology; (*) Odds Ratio (CI 95% ) estimated with the logistic regression method; (†) Logistic regression significant when < 0.05; (‡) Body Mass Index = (weight in Kg) : (height in meters) 2 ; (#) History of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention or surgical revascularization; (§)  Number of diseases documented in medical records and confirmed by patient on the date they were admitted for surgery – continuous variable. 601