ABC | Volume 111, Nº2, August 2018

Original Article Marcolino et al Satisfaction of emergency physicians Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018; 111(2):151-159 Table 3 – Description of the satisfaction level of physicians of the mobile emergency care service (SAMU) and of hospitals (non-SAMU) according to the CARDIOSATIS-Team scale Domains/Itens of the scale SAMU (n = 63) Non-SAMU (n = 74) Dissatisfied (1-2) Neither (3) Satisfied (4-5) Dissatisfied (1-2) Neither (3) Satisfied (4-5) Domain 1: Satisfaction with the care provided (5 items) Satisfaction with the care provided 34 (54.0) 1 (1.6) 28 (44.4) 37 (50.0) 7 (9.5) 30 (40.5) Municipality’s structure for diagnosis 29 (46.0) 3 (4.8) 31 (49.2) 49 (66.2) 8 (10.8) 17 (23.0) Structure for managing cardiovascular diseases 33 (52.4) 7 (11.1) 22 (34.9) 46 (62.2) 7 (9.5) 21 (28.4) Diagnostic accuracy 25 (39.7) 10 (15.9) 28 (44.4) 44 (59.5) 14 (18.9) 13 (17.6) Technical support 9 (14.3) - 52 (82.5) 11 (14.9) - 52 (70.3) Domain 2: Structure of care and diagnosis (6 items) Medical facilities for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases 20 (31.8) 14 (22.2) 29 (46.0) 42 (56.8) 18 (24.3) 13 (17.6) Quality of the equipment and materials 11 (17.5) 31 (49.2) 21 (33.3) 34 (46.0) 34 (46.0) 5 (6.8) Technology available for diagnosis 34 (54.0) 9 (14.3) 20 (31.8) 58 (78.4) 7 (9.5) 9 (12.2) Promptness in diagnosis 30 (47.6) 6 (9.5) 27 (42.9) 52 (70.3) 11 (14.9) 11 (14.9) Adequacy of the service 10 (15.9) 30 (47.6) 23 (36.5) 40 (54.1) 24 (32.4) 7 (9.5) Resolutivity 26 (41.3) 11 (17.5) 26 (41.3) 49 (66.2) 11 (14.9) 12 (16.2) Values expressed as n (%). the resources available, the location of the teams and proximity. 19 In the Northern Region of Minas Gerais, as SAMU is regionalized, the number of advanced ambulances is limited. Because that number is calculated based only on a population criterion, ignoring the long distances, more often than not the closest advanced support is an emergency center of a regional hospital, independently of the severity of the patient’s condition or even of the technical skills of the team. Figure 1 – Satisfaction of physicians of the mobile emergency service (SAMU) and of hospital emergency services (non-SAMU) according to the domains of the CARDIOSATIS-Team scale. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SAMU non-SAMU SAMU non-SAMU Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Satisfaction % (care provided) Satisfaction % (structure of care and diagnosis) In the present study, more than 50% of the hospital physicians expressed dissatisfaction with 9 of the 11 items. Those professionals highlighted the inadequacy of the emergency units, which involves the quality of equipment and materials, in addition to the municipalities’ limited structure for diagnosis, which reflects on the overall quality of the cardiovascular care provided. It is worth noting that the physicians of level II hospitals expressed more dissatisfaction than those of level III/IV hospitals 155