ABC | Volume 111, Nº2, August 2018

Image Guimarães et al Unexpected mass in the left atrium Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018; 111(2):226-227 Figure 1 – (Panel A) Selective left coronary angiogram (left anterior oblique 30° position) showing an abnormal vascularized mass (arrow) in the left atrium. (Panel B and C) Coronal and axial angio-CT planes in arterial phase, respectively, demonstrating a well-delimited, homogeneous and slight hyperdense mass, along the lateral portion of the atrial roof. (Panel D) Recent thrombus, partially in organization (H&E 20x). (E and F) Myocardium and adipose tissue infiltrated by small lymphoid cells, with scant cytoplasm and nuclei with peripherally clumped chromatin (H&E 20x and 400x). (Panel G-I) CD20, CD5 and bcl2 immunoreactivity (400x), respectively. 1. Reynen R, Kocheritz U, Strasser RN. Metastases to the heart. Ann Oncol. 2004;15(3):375-81. Reference 227