ABC | Volume 111, Nº1, July 2018

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References Conclusion This position statement of the Atherosclerosis Department of the Rio Grande do Sul Society of Cardiology identifies patients who can derive the greatest secondary clinical benefit from PCSK9 inhibition. Those patients have higher CV risk associated with the highest probability of achieving a significant LDL-C reduction. In addition, this document takes into account the financial limitations of the healthcare system and the current economic scenario. It is worth emphasizing that the use of antibodies against PCSK9 for individuals who do not meet the criteria presented in this document is not contraindicated, because the therapeutic decision involves clinical judgement and consensus between physicians and patients. Author contributions Conception and design of the research, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of the data, Writing of the manuscript and Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Behr PEB, Moriguchi EH, Castro I, Bodanese LC, Dutra OP, Leães PE, Pimentel Filho P. Potential Conflict of Interest Paulo Eduardo Ballvé Behr, MD, received lecture fees in continuing medical education programs from Amgen. EmilioHideyuki Moriguchi received lecture fees in continuing medical education programs from Amgen and Sanofi. Luiz Carlos Bodanese, MD, participated as an investigator for the Odyssey and Rourier studies. Oscar Pereira Dutra, MD, participated as an investigator for the Rourier study. Paulo Ernesto Leães, MD, participated as an investigator for the Odyssey and Rourier studies. Pedro Pimentel Filho, MD, participated as an investigator for the Odyssey and Rourier studies. Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. Study Association This study is not associatedwith any thesis or dissertationwork. 107