ABC | Volume 110, Nº4, April 2018

Short Editorial Mesquita Infections in heart failure – impact on mortality Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018; 110(4):371-372 1. Kakihana Y, Ito T, Nakahara M, Yamaguchi K, Yasuda T. Sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction: pathopysiology andmanagement. J Intensive Care. 2016 Mar 23;4:22. 2. AlonD, SteinGY, Korenfeld R, Fuchs S. Predictors and outcomes of infection – related hospital admissions of heart failure patients. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 23;8(8):e72476. 3. Cardoso JN, Del Carlo CH, Oliveira Jr MT, Ochiai ME, Kalil Filho R, Pereira BarrettoAC.Infecçãoempacientescominsuficiênciacardiacdescompensada: mortalidade hospitalat e evolução. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018; 110(4):364-370. 4. Sergi C, Shen F, Lim DW, Liu W, Zhang M, Chiu B, et al. Cardiovascular dysfunction in sepsis at the dawn of emerging mediators. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017 Nov;95:153-60 5. Aïssou L, Sorbets E, Lallmahomed E, Goudot FX, Pop N, Es-Sebbani S, et al. Prognostic and diagnostic value of elevated serum concentration of procalcitonin in patients with suspected heart failure. A review and meta- analysis. Biomarkers. 2018 Mar 12:1-7. 6. Demissei BG, Cleland JG, O’Connor CM, Metra M, Ponikowski P, Teerlink JR, et al. Procalcitonin-based indication of bacterial infection identifies high risk acute heart failure patients. Int J Cardiol. Feb;204:164-71. 7. ArrigoM, Tolppane H , SadouneM , Feliot E, Teixeira A, Laribi S, et al. Effect of precipitating factors of acute heart failure on readmission and long-term mortality. ESC Heart Failure 2016; 3(2)115-21. References This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 372