ABC | Volume 110, Nº4, April 2018

Original Article Santos et al Applicability of LV S2DL in unstable UA Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018; 110(4):354-361 Table 4 – Clinical and echocardiographic characteristics of patients undergoing longitudinal strain analysis (group A, n = 15) compared to non-submitted patients (group B, n = 63) Group A Group B p Median Interquartile Interval Median Interquartile Interval Age (years) 57 16 62 16 0,899 Gender (%) Male 33,3% 66,7% 0,037 Female 66,7% 33,3% BMI (Kg/m 2 ) 28,62 7,2 28,12 6,56 0,903 SBP (mmHg) 143 33 137 31 0,510 HR (bpm) 78 23 74 14 0,824 Creatinine (mg/dL) 0,7 0,5 0,9 0,3 0,127 GRACE (points) 94 27 97 36 0,287 Hypertension (%) 80% 90,5% 0,363 Diabetes (%) 13,3% 44,4% 0,037 Smoking (%) 33,3% 31,7% 1 Dyslipidemia (%) 60% 66,7% 0,764 Family history for CAD (%) 26,7% 17,5% 0,470 LVEF Simpson 0,65 0,08 0,55 0,18 0,006 LA (mm) 37 5 40 9 0,009 LVFDD (mm) 48 5 53,5 9 0,007 LVFSD (mm) 31 6 37 7 0,112 Septum (mm) 10 2 10 3 0,668 Posterior wall (mm) 9 1 10 2 0,118 Mass index (g/m 2 ) 109 49 133,5 26 0,095 PASP (mmHg) 34 13 29,5 10 0,895 Aorta root (mm) 31 4 35 4 0,006 Medications in use (%) ACEI 33,3% 31,7% 1 ARB 20% 46% 0,084 Beta blocker 20% 76,2% < 0,001 Acetylsalicylic acid 60% 87,3% 0,023 Calcium channel blocker 26,7% 34,9% 0,762 Statin 53,3% 82,5% 0,035 Nitrate 40% 36,5% 1 BMI: body mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; LA: measurement of the left atrium; LVFDD: left ventricular final diastolic diameter; LVFSD: left ventricular final systolic diameter; PASP: pulmonary artery systolic pressure. ACEI: angiotensinogen converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB: angiotensin receptor AT-2 blocker. Mann-Whitney was used for continuous variables (expressed in median and interquartile range) and Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables (expressed as percentage). Table 5 – Risk score of patients submitted to longitudinal strain analysis Score Frequency (%) GRACE ≤ 108 points 86,7% 109-139 points 13,3% ≥ 140 points 0% GRACE - Low risk - ≤ 108, moderate risk - 109 to 139, ≥ 140 - high risk The present study is one of the pioneers in longitudinal strain applicability evaluation in UA patients attended at the Emergency Room of a Tertiary-level Cardiology Hospital. The studied population clinical, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic characteristics demonstrate the complexity of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). This probably justifies the method low applicability, since there are many variables (existing in the majority of patients studied) that could impair detection of reduced deformity 358