ABC | Volume 110, Nº3, March 2018

Original Article Scherr et al Cardiovascular risk in teenager athletes Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018; 110(3):248-255 Table 1 – General characteristics of the students enrolled at Fernando Pimentel School (FP) and at the Experimental Olympics Gymnasium (EOG) FP (N = 148) EOG (N = 274) p value** Mean SD Mean SD Age 12.5 0.9 12.6 1.6 0.591 N % N % Sex Male 51 154 56.2 < 0.01 Female 97 120 43.8 Types of sports* Low MET (< 5.0) Table tennis - - 32 11.4 Chess - - 25 8.9 High MET (> 5.0) Volleyball - - 44 15.7 N/A Soccer - - 41 14.6 Handball - - 39 13.9 Swimming - - 36 12.9 Athletics - - 33 11.8 Judo - - 29 10.4 Unknown - - 1 0.4 SD: standard deviation; MET: metabolic equivalent of task. *each activity is considered as 1 unit (260 students practiced 1 activity, 4 students practiced 2 activities, and 1 student practiced 3 activities); **chi-square test (for the categorical variable ‘sex’) or Student’s t-test (for the continuous variable ‘age’). N/A: not applicable Table 2 – Clinical and metabolic characteristics of the students enrolled at Fernando Pimentel School (FP) and at the Experimental Olympics Gymnasium (EOG) FP (N=148) EOG (N=274) p value* N % N % Nutritional status (BMI) Underweight - - 2 0.8 Normal weight 77 59.2 165 62.0 0.531 Overweight 33 25.4 64 24.1 Obesity 20 15.4 35 13.2 0.567 Unknown 18 12.2 8 2.9 Blood pressure Normal 93 71.5 235 87.0 Prehypertension 10 7.7 18 6.7 0.691 Hypertension 26 20.0 17 6.3 < 0.01 Unknown 19 12.8 4 1.5 Capillary blood glucose Desirable (< 101 mg/dL) 147 100 260 99.6 1.000 Borderline (101-116 mg/dL) - - 1 0.4 Increased (≥ 117 mg/dL) - - - - Unknown 1 0.7 13 4.7 Total cholesterol Desirable (< 170 mg/dL) 102 68.9 215 79.0 0.021 Borderline (170-199 mg/dL) 41 27.7 47 17.3 0.012 Increased (≥ 200 mg/dL) 5 3.4 10 3.7 0.875 Unknown - - 2 0.7 Triglycerides Desirable (< 90 mg/dL) 76 51.4 89 50.3 0.848 Borderline (90-129 mg/dL) 42 28.4 37 20.9 0.118 Increased (≥ 130 mg/dL) 30 20.3 51 28.8 0.076 Unknown - - 97 35.4 Data expressed as absolute values (percentage). BMI: body mass index; *chi-square test. 250