ABC | Volume 110, Nº2, February 2018

Short Editorial Issa The indeterminate form of Chagas disease Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018; 110(2):111-112 1. RossiMA.Thepatternofmyocardial fibrosis inchronicChagas’heartdisease. Int J Cardiol. 1991;30(3):335-40. 2. Mocelin AO, Issa VS, Bacal F, Guimarães GV, Cunha E, Bocchi EA, et al. The influenceofaetiologyoninflammatoryandneurohumoralactivationinpatients with severe heart failure: a prospective study comparing Chagas’ heart disease and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Eur J Heart Fail .2005;7(5):869-73. 3. Bocchi EA, Bestetti RB, Scanavacca MI, Cunha Neto E, Issa VS. Chronic Chagas heart disease management: from etiology to cardiomyopathy treatment. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;70(12):1510-24. 4. Bestetti RB. Chagas heart failure in patients from Latin America. Card Fail Rev. 2016;2(2):90-4. 5. Rabelo MMN, Macedo CT, Larocca T, et al. Presença e Extensão da Fibrose Miocárdica na Forma Indeterminada da Doença de Chagas: Estudo de Ressonância Magnética de. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018; 110(2):124-131. 6. Rochitte CE, Oliveira PF, Andrade JM, Ianni BM, Parga JR, Avila LF,et al. Myocardial delayed enhancement by magnetic resonance imaging in patients withChagas’ disease: amarker of disease severity. J AmColl Cardiol. 2005;46(8):1553-8. 7. Peix A, García R, Sánchez J, Cabrera LO, Padrón K, VediaO, et al. Myocardial perfusion imaging and cardiac involvement in the indeterminate phase of Chagas disease. Arq Bras Cardiol.2013;100(2):114-7. 8. Espinosa R, Carrasco HA, Belandria F, Fuenmayor AM, Molina C, González R, et al. Life expectancy analysis in patients with Chagas’ disease: prognosis after one decade (1973-1983). Int J Cardiol. 1985;8(1):45-56. 9. Ianni BM, Arteaga E, FrimmCC, Pereira Barretto AC, Mady C. Chagas’ heart disease:evolutiveevaluationofelectrocardiographicandechocardiographic parameters in patients with the indeterminate form. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2001;77(1):59-62. 10. Sabino EC, Ribeiro AL, Salemi VM, Di LorenzoOliveira C, Antunes AP, et al. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study-II (REDS-II), International Component. Ten-year incidence of Chagas cardiomyopathy among asymptomatic Trypanosoma cruzi-seropositive former blood donors. Circulation. 2013;127(10):1105-15. 11. Morillo CA, Marin-Neto JA, AvezumA,Sosa-Estani S, Rassi A Jr, Rosas F, et al. ,for the BENEFIT Investigators. Randomized trial of benznidazole for chronic Chagas’ cardiomyopathy. N Engl J Med. 2015;373(14):1295–306. References This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 112