ABC | Volume 110, Nº1, January 2018

Editorial New Editor-in-Chief, New Challenges Carlos Eduardo Rochitte Instituto do Coração - InCor; Hospital do Coração - HCOR, São Paulo, SP – Brazil Mailing Address: Carlos Eduardo Rochitte • Instituto do Coração - InCor - Setor de Ressonância e Tomografia Cardiovascular Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 44 Andar AB. Postal Code 05403-000, Cerqueira César, São Paulo, SP - Brazil E-mail: Keywords Periodicals as topic/history; Periodicals as Topic/trends; Journal Impact Factor; Publishing/trends. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20180012 It was a great honor and privilege to be appointed to serve as the new editor-in-chief of the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia for the 2018-2021 period. In this first editorial, I would like to thank my peers and colleagues, who have manifested sincere and total support to my indication. It is undoubtedly a great challenge to contribute to the most important scientific journal of Cardiology in South America. Moreover, it is on the shoulders of the previous editors-in- chief that I humbly makemyself available to collaborate with this communication channel of the Brazilian Cardiology. The work here developed is monumental and was only possible because of the collaboration of the associate editors and reviewers, who are part of the great family of the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia . And it will go on like this. Thus, I ask for the support of all involved in the task in the coming years. The constitution of a writing committee for the Brazilian Society of Cardiology journal was proposed by Dante Pazzanese and Luiz V. Décourt, and the first “director” of the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia was Dr. Jairo Ramos, who suggested the journal’s name, which has persisted since 1948. The histories of the Brazilian Cardiology, of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology and of the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia have mingled for decades. It is worth noting that the first study published, entirely written in English, was " The electrocardiographic evidence of local ventricular ischemia ", by Robert H. Bayley and Jolm S. La Due, from Oklahoma City, United States (Figure 1). 1 This clearly shows that the internationalization potential of the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia has always been in its DNA. It is up to us, as a Society of Cardiology, to fully develop it. I am especially grateful to our former editor-in-chief Dr. Luiz Felipe P. Moreira for its excellent management and for handing on a well-structured and organized journal to me. His editorial from last December revisits the accomplishments of the past eight years, a period when I was associate editor of diagnostic and imaging methods. 2 What I learned during his management, as well as his support, substantiated my decision of applying for editor- in-chief of the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia . Several actions have been planned to speed up the article review process of our journal and make it more attractive to authors. With the constant progress of science and of its outreach channels, the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia need to be prepared to keep up with such changes and innovations. In the 2018-2021 period, two master beams will provide the base for that innovation: our journal’s internationalization and its impact factor improvement. Those two master beams were chosen because of the stability, in the past years, of our journal’s impact factor slightly above 1 and non-adherence to the internationalization issues recommended by Scielo. The first master beam has been championed by Scielo for a while and will be emphasized in coming the championed years. One aspect of internationalization is the participation of international associate editors. In 2018 we will begin with two new international editors and one international co‑editor, thus meeting the Scielo recommendation of having approximately 30% of international associate editors. We aim at getting more international visibility and attracting “good science” for the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia in the form of original articles. Review articles will maintain the tradition of reviewing Cardiology topics and its limits with other specialties, always indicating the future steps in the area, such as the review article of the January issue. 3 We are renewing our associate editors, the international reviewers and our editorial board aiming at both speeding up the publication of articles in the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia and improving their quality. International collaboration has been a mechanism to enhance the impact factor of some European international journals. I believe we need to refine our performance in that area, having, thus, to adopt internationalization measures for the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia . Our two major objectives are obviously synergistic. In addition, measures to speed up and modernize the article review process are programmed, in an attempt to rapidly notify the authors about the acceptance or refusal of their articles in the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia . We want to increase the satisfaction of the authors and reviewers during the editorial processes in our journal. The first important step is the adoption of a new electronic system of submission, most likely the ScholarOne , which will allow a faster and more practical management of the articles from the viewpoints of all involved: authors, associate editors, editor-in-chief, reviewers and editorial assistants. In addition, we will work close to authors and reviewers to obtain a rapid and effective review, allowing the editors to decide more accurately and efficiently. Some changes in the formats of the articles are being planned to make them more concise, direct and pragmatic. In a recent visit of Prof. Valentin Fuster, JACC’s editor-in-chief, we asked “ How do you do it? ”, and the answer was “ Keep it simple!! ”. I believe we should listen to that advice and follow it. Thus, mini‑editorials for the original articles and a Figure 1 summarizing the article are formal changes to be implemented. 1